Tuesday, May 29, 2012

McKinstry Innovation Center

Company Visited: McKinstry Innovation Center

Where: Seattle, Washington

Mission per company’s website:"Since we began over 50 years ago, McKinstry has continuously looked for ways to innovate the business landscape. That's why we created the Innovation Center: to give new and emerging companies a place where they could come together under one roof to accelerate the advancement of new ideas, products and technologies. We know that these companies play a big role in stimulating innovation in our economy, creating jobs and ensuring our ability to compete globally. The Center is an extension of our commitment to innovation and the small businesses on the cutting-edge that are creating the breakthroughs of tomorrow."
Final Thoughts: We met with this person Tony Stewart. It is a 52-year-old private company. It’s revenues runs for about 500 million. Provides space for start up companies. The company provides short-term leases for star up companies; McKinstry does not own these companies. They are looking for innovative sustainable ideas. Smart building lab that reviews energy efficiency of all building owned. In order to enroll you must have business plan and a fit financial background. The only fee charged is for when the companies need grant writing.
Things Gained: There are companies that really care and help in preserving and implementing sustainable products or services; and this is one of the companies.
Group collaboration is needed to reach common goals.  McKinstry rocks at providing assistance for sustainability innovators. How to invest inside the company by providing an umbrella to start a business and once they succeed the company is being promoted.

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