Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Greenworks Building Supply

Company Visited: Greenworks Building Supply

Where: Vancouver, BC Canada

Mission per company’s website: GreenWorks Building Supply Inc. was founded by Pete McGee and Alastair Moore. Born and raised in Vancouver, the two have witnessed their hometown grow into a world renowned city and one that prides itself on being green-at-heart. So it was a bit of a shock when Pete returned from business in the US and Alastair from teaching sustainable development in Europe to find that the city still didn’t have a source for green building materials. That was the summer of 2006 and soon after GreenWorks Building Supply Inc. opened to offer homeowners a one-stop shop for environmentally friendly building materials. Modeled after the green building centers that have sprouted up in the US over the last decade, GreenWorks’ goal is to provide its customers in Vancouver and across Canada the best options for creating healthy, beautiful spaces – both inside and outside the home.”
Final Thoughts: We met with Marya. They build well to live well. Their main focus is on providing supplies that help health and are sustainable. They provide international products such as alpaca wool carper from Peru and portion of the benefit goes to local charities in Peru. Company is not big on providing lumber, plywood, or other heavy material, but it is certainly growing fast and most importantly always considering the environment before purchasing products.

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