Saturday, January 7, 2012

Economics of Green Building Investing Green

Jackson Murphy (Economics of Green Building Investing Green)
This presentation was very informative and adequate to the subject matter in sustainability. Mr. Murphy presented about the green building reduction of resources and co2 emissions. In a green building you save in energy use from 24-50%, CO2 emissions 33-39%, water use 40%, and solid waste70%. This allows to a more balanced and healthier building as it relates to sustainability to the environment side. He also explained about the sustainable ratings programs. USGBC LEED was one of the one he focused the most. There are four certificates to LEED certified, silver, gold and platinum.  For certified you need 40 points, Silver 50 points, Gold 60 points, and Platinum 80. The biggest jump in points and price to obtain the certification is gold to platinum. As of September 2011 there are 32,007 registered LEED commercial projects. The states with highest LEED certifications are number one California and tide in number two Texas and Illinois. This means more businesses are being interested and exposed to sustainability. One of the highlights that Mr. Murphy approached in regards to green building was that occupants in green buildings are healthier and more productive.

The connection in this presentation teaches about the future in sustainability, is that many business and residents are becoming more aware of the damage been done to environment. I feel like the LEED will go way beyond a certification to a regulation code when it comes to building new homes and business.

LEED Stories from Practice Youtube Video.
Because LEED is about innovation and leadership, every project advances the collective knowledge of the green building industry, moving the market forward. Learn from and share with USGBC's LEED Stories from Practice

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